Paul LaPorte
Conductor -

Paul joined the James A. Oliver, Jr. VFW Auxiliary 2125 in Bridgewater in 2016 under eligibility of his older brother Stephen La Porte who served three tours of duty and was injured in Viet Nam. Paul became a Life Member in 2017. He currently serves as the Senior Vice President of his Auxiliary and the Scholarships and Youth Activities Chairperson.


On the District level, Paul has completed two terms as District 12 President. During his Presidency, membership exceeded 101% each year and in 2022-2023, he was inducted into the Department Circle of Excellence. He now serves as District 3-year Trustee.


On the Department level, Paul was elected as the Dept. Conductor at the 2024 State Convention in Mansfield. He has served as the Dept. Buddy Poppy/National Home Chairperson in 2022-202, Legislative in 2023-2024 and currently serves as the Dept. Membership Chairperson.


Paul volunteers for several charitable organizations in his community. He serves as Treasurer and a board member for Angels in America, a 501-3C charity; as the Vice Chair for the Bridgewater Hometown Heroes (an organization which honors military heroes with banners displayed around the town); and as a board member for Go Gold: Childhood Cancer Awareness.  He also fosters dogs for three local Dog Rescues and is a life member of the VFW National Home.



Paul has served as a volunteer at the Brockton VA Medical Center for the past 6 years. He has been employed at 2 Fortune 500 Financial/Accounting companies as a Vice President and is currently self-employed at La Porte Consulting. Paul resides in Newton.